Security Council (SC)
- The nuclear missiles programme of DPR Korea
- The atomic energy programme of Iran
- Establishing peace in Somalia
- The role of Pakistan in the tensions in South Asia
- Lake Victoria
GA 1: Disarmament & International Security
- Implementing measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction
- Reducing the role of diamonds in fuelling conflicts in Africa
- The ecological and political problems concerning the Atatürk dam
- Measures to encourage disarmament of guerilla factions and their integration into civilian life
GA 2: Ecology & Environment
- Finding innovative ways to improve agriculture
- The development and implementation of new and renewable sources of energy
- Implementing the use of desalination devices
- Globally transversible pathways between ecosystems
GA 3: Social, Humanitarian & Cultural
- The preservation of cultural heritages in the event of armed conflict
- Maintaining cultural diversity in the global integration process
- Linking poverty reduction and water management
- Water nomads
GA 4: Special Political & Decolonization
- Combating corruption and bureaucracy in post-conflict areas
- The development of democracy in former colonized countries, with special regard to the role of foreign states
- Water management in trans-boundary basins
- Decreasing political tension in East-Timor
The Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
- Consideration and implementation of effective measures to reduce the risk of future food crises in sub-Saharan Africa
- Reducing the consequences of corruption
- The promotion of free trade zones
- Reducing the health dangers of pregnancy-related problems in LDCs
- Reducing growth imbalance in transitional economies
- Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
Human Rights Committee (HRC)
- Combating the illegal trade in human organs
- The protection of human rights during a country?s transition into democracy
- Promoting the basic human right to water
- Implementing measures to eradicate state-instigated torture
- Ensuring a swift, efficient and just asylum procedure for refugees
North Atlantic Council (NAC)
- Review of the ISAF operation
- Expanding the role of NATO in combating terrorism
- Improving NATO?s relations with the Islamic world
- Consideration of effective guidelines to regulate expansion of NATO
Special Conference on Intolerance & Religion (SCIR)
- The role of religion in determining the ethical boundaries of scientific research
- The tension between freedom of expression and freedom of religion
- The impact of terrorism on intolerance towards religion
- The role of religion in post-conflict nation building
Group of Eight Summit (G8)
- Question of debt relief
- Question of global energy security
- Creating public support for domestic surveillance by governmental organisations
Crisis Committee
- Crisis in the Middle East
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay