Note: This is the Crisis Committee page of 2023, the new version will be published shortly.
Welcome to the LEMUN 2023 Crisis Committee webpage.
Please download the materials prepared for your preparation (the Instruction Booklet, PrepCasts, and EU budget). In addition, please find below a number of pointers for your region research.
The crisis will take place in Europe. All member states of the European Union will be represented, and over the crisis, the Diplomats of the Crisis Committee will gather in a European Summit four times to set the policy of the European Union.
- This means that your first topic of research is to look into the European Union: how does it work, what are its main institutions, and who are the main players?
Now that you know the crisis takes place in Europe, you can start thinking about the kinds of issues Europe faces right now and extrapolate from there. We’ll give you a couple of hints to get your research started:
- There is a brutal war in progress (or rather, in standstill…) on the European Union’s eastern flank. Perhaps it would be wise to look into the involvement of the European Union in that conflict.
- A global problem that will hit Europe just as hard as it has hit elsewhere in the world: climate change. Which countries are most vulnerable, and what threats are most pertinent? Which countries are at the tip of the spear of reducing CO2 emissions, and which countries are happily burning coal as if the year was 1823 and not 2023? These are important questions to have the answers to.
- Perhaps it would be a good idea to look into which issues are most divisive in Europe at this time. Which member states are considered obstructors, and why? What tensions exist between north and south, east and west?
- Finally – those of you who take the time to look into the role of the European Union on the Balkan, and specifically, in Bosnia might be rewarded…
Money makes the world go round
An important difference between this year’s crisis and the traditional style of MUN debate, is that the Crisis Committee will take into account the costs of the measures you will come up with. Below, you can find a simplified version of the EU budget that we will use as a basis for European policy over the weekend. It is meant as a reference, but perhaps it would be wise to take a look at it before the weekend starts.
Your toolkit
To help you prepare for your weekend at the Crisis Committee, we have made available a number of tools:
- First, the Instruction Booklet. READ THE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET. It will help you get an idea of the differences between traditional MUN debate and participating in the Crisis Committee.
- Second, the PrepCasts, three podcasts to help you prepare. They were taped in 2019, but are still very useful. Keep in mind that some items might be slightly outdated. For example, we will have 4, not 6, European summits over the weekend; the specific lines in the European Budget discussed in PrepCast 3 have been replaced in the current budget, the UK has already left the Union, nobody remembers the Yellow Jackets who paralysed France for a year, and ol’ Queen Betsy finally kicked the bucket.
- Third, we already mentioned the European Union budget. Please find below the starting budget for the conference including our short explanations, so you have a chance to go through it and perhaps Google some of the programmes mentioned there.
Many thanks, and good luck with your preparations! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Evil greetings,
The Crisis Committee Headquarters