The Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden is one of the oldest schools in the Netherlands and the oldest ‘gymnasium’ of the Netherlands. It was founded in 1838 as the successor of the Latin School, which was mentioned in an official document for the first time in 1323.
The Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden is a public grammar school which offers Latin and Classic Greek as a compulsory part of the curriculum. The school has several traditions and extra-curricular activities. As the school emphasises the need for international experience in times of globalisation, one of these is the ‘internationalisation project’. Students have the possibility to participate in several exchange programmes, for example with schools in Italy, Brussels and Budapest, and a Model United Nations programme. Students can participate in several MUN conferences in both the Netherlands and abroad: in the past few years we have travelled to London, Dublin, Rostock and Istanbul to visit both English and French conferences.